Significance of the findings:
Valuable: Contains findings that have theoretical or practical implications for a subfield.
- Landmark
- Fundamental
- Important
- Valuable
- Useful
<section class="term_wrapper">
<div class="term-title">Significance of the findings:</div>
<div class="term-description" aria-label="eLife assessments use a common vocabulary to describe significance. The term chosen for this paper is:"><b>Valuable</b>: Contains findings that have theoretical or practical implications for a subfield.</div>
<ul class="terms" aria-label="The following is a list terms editors can choose from">
<li class="term">Landmark</li>
<li class="term">Fundamental</li>
<li class="term term-highlighted">Important</li>
<li class="term">Valuable</li>
<li class="term">Useful</li>